Sacred Journey

Energy Healing, Readings & Coaching

about desiree


        An Energy Healing Session with Desiree may help with relationship issues, repetitive patterns, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional stress, negative attachments and much more.


A session will assist you to take the momentum that you have, the direction you're heading in, and change it slightly so that your future changes, significantly altering the course of your destiny.

Hi, I am Desiree and I started my Energy Healing journey in 1993 with the birth of my daughter, who had ongoing health issues. For the first 8 months of her life, she suffered from chronic ear infections that would not clear. She reacted to her first inoculation, and she would wake every hour through the night and I was pretty exhausted.   Not knowing any better in those days, I listened to the medical profession whose only answer was antibiotics, which obviously did not work.  By this time I had lost faith in the system and knew that I had to find my own answers, and sought alternative therapies.


It was suggested that she may have allergies, but she was too young to have tests so I found a kinesiologist who specialised in muscle testing for allergies.  She was allergic to just about everything that I was eating. I discovered that these allergies were causing her acid reflux which caused her to projectile vomit, leading to ear infections.  On eliminating the foods from my diet she started to improve.


This was great, my daughter could finally, at 8 months old, take down small amounts of food.  However, she was still not completely right. The ear infections were happening less often but her immune system had taken a major hit with the antibiotics. I was convinced that there was a better way to heal my daughter so I began to study Energy Healing. I had always felt this energy from my hands, so this modality made perfect sense to me. Energy Healing was not really heard of way back then, but for some reason I was drawn to it.  From there, I learned many healing modalities such as Aura Soma Colour Therapy, Body Balancing, Holistic Pulsing and Iris reading.  I was thirsty for anything alternative.  From here I developed my own technique and it was this, along with my own intuitive methods, which eventually healed my daughter.


In 1999, after a marriage separation, I went into a deep depression. Many of us experience what divorce can do and the relationship issues that arise, especially when children are involved. From those difficult times, I developed relationship healing techniques which have since helped many people to release the anger, resentment and many other emotions that keep us stuck and in victim mode.


In 2006 I opened my fist clinic and began my career as an Intuitive Energy Healer and Coach.  Since then I have helped thousands of people learn to love themselves again. I’ve helped them to forgive, release anger and resentment, and coached them to create more happiness, well-being, health and abundance in their lives.


I love my work, and I love helping others turn their lives around; there is nothing more rewarding.



" I  was referred to Desiree by someone who described her as 'The Goddess of Healing'. And they were right - from the first session Desiree was able to identify some very deep seated issues and worked on them quickly - releasing emotions, helping me to feel lighter and give me hope at the end of the tunnel. I would have no hesitation in recommending her to people with a wide range of spiritual, emotional or chronic physical issues"


Helen, Auckland

energy Healing and coaching

Blocked emotions and negative thoughts, which are so common in all of us, hold us back from reaching our full potential. They form blockages or damage in our energy pattern and we may feel discomfort, dis-ease and depression, and can even cause addictive tendencies.


I use several intuitive energy clearing and balancing systems that quickly and easily assist people in achieving balance.


Intuitive healing releases people from the emotional energy of their past, cleans up their mental states and repairs the entire energy system.  Our day-to-day life gets easier and better; we have more joy, a clearer mental state and a stronger spiritual connection.


We gain more power in our life force so we become a powerful instrument in attracting what we want in our lives.




Client Testimonial

"Thank you so much for my first session have been meaning to email you to let you know that after that session i actually went to my dad and we talked for about and hour... it was scary but good. I also have my first pain free night two nights later that I haven’t had in so long.


Session 2: Thank you so much for yesterday... Today i feel drained but a good drained if that makes any sense.

Jordan (my son) has been very cuddly and keeps telling me he loves me and has been outside playing. So thank you so much. This change in Jordan (and me) has gotten my best friend wondering if you would be able to help with her daughter.


Nicole, Auckland - Note: I called in Jordan's energy through Nicole. I find bringing the energy of children through like this has better results as children tend to not want to sit still. This way we can actually work with the adult and child together.  The issues and dynamics of the relationship can be cleared and changed quite quickly.


Energy Healing Sessions with DESIREE ANTOINETTE

Having a session with Desiree is life changing. Desiree has a gift for seeing and clearing your core issues. Her twenty years of energy healing therapy has assisted thousands of clients and she welcomes the opportunity to assist you in clearing the energy that is keeping you blocked from the life you wish to create.


Sessions are $100 per 40 minutes and are held in person or by Distant Healing, so you can live anywhere in the world and enjoy a session with Desiree. If you are interested in doing an Energy Healing session with Desiree please email


© Sacred Journey 2016

Healings with Desiree      021995846

Readings with Lesley      0274061246